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Interface ITransferParams<LONG>

Type parameters

  • LONG

    Generic type representing LONG type. Default to string | number. Since javascript number more than 2 ** 53 -1 cannot be precisely represented, generic type is used




Optional additionalFee

additionalFee: undefined | number

If fee is not set, this value will be added to automatically calculated fee. E.x.: Account is scripted and 400000 fee more is required.


amount: LONG

Optional assetId

assetId: string | null

Optional attachment

attachment: undefined | string

Bytearray encoded as base58 string

Optional chainId

chainId: string | number

Network byte. Could be set as number or as char. If set as char(string), charCodeAt(0) will be used. E.g., 'W' will be converted to '87' If not set, 87 will be used as default

Optional fee

fee: LONG

Transaction fee. If not set, fee will be calculated automatically

Optional feeAssetId

feeAssetId: string | null

Fee can be paid in custom token if sponsorship has been set for this token


recipient: string

Can be either address(base58 encoded 24 byte address) or alias. Alias should be used like 'alias:{chainId}:{alias}>'. E.g.: If we have alias 'foo', and we want TESTNET transaction, recipient should be 'alias:T:foo'

Optional senderPublicKey

senderPublicKey: undefined | string

If not set, public key will be derived from seed phrase. You should provide senderPublicKey in two cases:

  1. Account, from which this tx should be sent, differs from tx signer. E.g., we have smart account that requires 2 signatures.
  2. You to create tx without proof. Therefore no seed is provided.

Optional timestamp

timestamp: undefined | number

Transaction timestamp. If not set current timestamp will be used. Date.now()

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